Class in English
Pursuing Intimacy With God - relationship with God as a lifestyle
Teachers Profile
Miriam Paiva Steyer
Graduated in Dentistry (especialized in Pediatric dentistry).
She has been a missionary for 20 years and has experienced that the only thing that really counts in life is a close and true relationship with Jesus. Who we are, how we think and what we do - they all derive from how much we know and love God.
Happily married to Bob, also a missionary sold out to Jesus and His message of grace.
Lara Parreira
She is a daughter of God that loves to learn about the Bible and the Creator each day more and more. Fascinated about God’s supreme love and His lessons of love for others, she appreciates studying philosophy and connecting how the secular thought seeks some God's principles, but still misses God in the whole center.
Course Syllabus
Practicing the presence of God begins with the correct knowledge and understanding of who He is and what He has done. When you have the right understanding of God, you develop an absolute sense of peace, comfort, security and confidence that the Lord is who He is, regardless of your situation.
This is why it is important to get to know God intimately—to learn about His wonderful characteristics. When you practice WHO you know, you trust that the God who knows you best, knows what’s best for you!
This study is about :
• establishing a lifestyle of walking with Jesus.
• learning how to know Him and encountering Him on daily basis.
• getting rid of our religious mindsets and making our faith a lifestyle, not just a weekly visit to a building.
• taking Jesus out of our Sunday morning box and establishing a real relationship with Him that fulfills us unlike anything else this world offers.
Class # 1: Practicing WHO you know - intimacy with a God that can be known
Date: April 28th, 2013
Teacher: Lara Parreira
Bible Text: “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart”. Jeremiah 29:13
Summary: God wants us to KNOW HIM – intimately and personally. He wants us to know the reality of His presence in our everyday lives – the Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays etc. He wants us to know the sound of His voice so that we can hear Him when He is speaking to us – to guide us, to direct us, to give us wisdom.
Class #3: What is Faith? 5 Catalysts God uses to grow our faith - part 1
Date: May 12th, 2013
Teachers: Miriam Paiva Steyer
Bible Text: Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is being sure od what we hope for and certain of things we do not see"
Summary: We will explore what faith is, its Biblical definition. And we will discuss catalysts God uses to make us grow in our confidence in Him.
Class #4: 5 Catalysts God uses to grow our faith - Part 2
Date: May 19th, 2013
Teachers: Miriam Paiva Steyer
Bible Text: Hebrews 11:1 "Faith is being sure od what we hope for and certain of things we do not see"
Summary: Part 2 of our discussion about faith - catalysts God uses to make us grow in our confidence in Him.